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All in-stock animals
Use this page to filter through all our in-stock aquarium animals to find...
South American Cichlids
Cichlids native to South America
Plecos and Other Loricariids
Plecos, whiptails, and other members of the Loricariidae family
Tetras and Other Characins
Tetras and other Characins that belong to the order Characiformes such as...
Central American Cichlids
Cichlids native to Central America
Corydoras and Allies
Corydoras and others in the Corydoradinae sub-family
Barbs and Other Cyprinids
Fish that belong to the Cyprinidae family such as barbs, danios, rasboras,...
Other Catfish
Other catfish that do not fit in our other categories
Brackish Species
Brackish water is water that is in-between freshwater and saltwater in regards...
African catfish belonging to the Synodontis genus
What you see is what you get
Here you can purchase the fish that is pictured in the listing....